Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Show and Tell Tuesday

Hello Everyone!  I'm so happy to be linking up with Forever in 5th Grade for Show and Tell Tuesday.  I've been away for a bit, but I am trying to get back in the swing of blogging.  So, without further ado....
 I'm going to be using brag tags for the first time this year.  I've been reading alot of blog posts (like this one from Jessica Winston)  and devouring Pinterest for tags and implementation ideas.  I finally decided to purchase these brag tags from Primarily Speaking.  She has several posts about brag tags and I really liked the size and design of her tags.  After much searching, I purchased the ball chain necklaces from Ball Chain Supply.  They have great customer service and the chains arrived quickly.  I'll have to keep you all updated on how it goes this year with the brag tags.

 Besides teaching, I love make-up.  So, I recently decided to take the plunge and become an Avon Independent Sales Representative!  Especially as teachers, who doesn't want to try to make a little extra money (and look good on a budget)?  As well, Avon has beautiful make-up colors, innovative skin care, and more!  Looking for the cutest accessories for your little one(s) to head back to school?  Looking for ways to help make dinner prep easier during the back to school rush?  Check out the new Living back to school catalog.  Click on the picture or HERE to go to my online store to check out those things, become an Avon rep., and more!
With these long lazy days I have really been indulging.  Too much!  The scale is steadily creeping up and I need to get it to come down, down, down.  I don't want to start the new school year heavier than when I left.  I'm going to try to start making an effort to eat more fresh fruit, more salads, and drink more water.  But uugghh!  Plain water is just so...plain!  That's what makes it so hard for me to drink.  But I'm going to try.  Maybe some mix-ins (low/no calorie) will help make it easier.  Wish me luck!

Check out what others have been up to or link up to share.


  1. Those brag tags look fun. I might try the same with my ones.
    Happy water drinking :)

  2. I bet your students love the brag tags. Fill up a large container and start early in the morning!!!

  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I 'll have to check out your online store! I'm not that good with makeup but I want to do better!

  4. I have just been reading about brag tags lately too. I don't know if they are primarily used at the lower grades, but it's something I will definitely be looking into more. Thanks for linking up!

    Forever in Fifth Grade

  5. Brag Tags, cure idea! Especially for lower el. Thanks for sharing. :)


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