Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Show and Tell Tuesday

Hello Everyone!  I'm so happy to be linking up with Forever in 5th Grade for Show and Tell Tuesday.  I've been away for a bit, but I am trying to get back in the swing of blogging.  So, without further ado....
 I'm going to be using brag tags for the first time this year.  I've been reading alot of blog posts (like this one from Jessica Winston)  and devouring Pinterest for tags and implementation ideas.  I finally decided to purchase these brag tags from Primarily Speaking.  She has several posts about brag tags and I really liked the size and design of her tags.  After much searching, I purchased the ball chain necklaces from Ball Chain Supply.  They have great customer service and the chains arrived quickly.  I'll have to keep you all updated on how it goes this year with the brag tags.

 Besides teaching, I love make-up.  So, I recently decided to take the plunge and become an Avon Independent Sales Representative!  Especially as teachers, who doesn't want to try to make a little extra money (and look good on a budget)?  As well, Avon has beautiful make-up colors, innovative skin care, and more!  Looking for the cutest accessories for your little one(s) to head back to school?  Looking for ways to help make dinner prep easier during the back to school rush?  Check out the new Living back to school catalog.  Click on the picture or HERE to go to my online store to check out those things, become an Avon rep., and more!
With these long lazy days I have really been indulging.  Too much!  The scale is steadily creeping up and I need to get it to come down, down, down.  I don't want to start the new school year heavier than when I left.  I'm going to try to start making an effort to eat more fresh fruit, more salads, and drink more water.  But uugghh!  Plain water is just so...plain!  That's what makes it so hard for me to drink.  But I'm going to try.  Maybe some mix-ins (low/no calorie) will help make it easier.  Wish me luck!

Check out what others have been up to or link up to share.

Monday, July 4, 2016

It's Summer!

Wow!  I can't believe it's been so long since I have made a post!  Hopefully now that it is summer, I will be able to blog more often.  I've been out of school just under two weeks.  And boy have I been loving it!  I've been watching ALOT of reality TV and getting my money's worth from my Netflix membership.  Although I have been relaxing, I haven't totally zoned out.  I watched a great webinar on mentor sentences by Jivey (Ideas by Jivey).  I am SO going to try mentor sentences this coming school year.  I also attended a math training by my district and prepared my classroom from summer school.  Yes, I'm teaching summer school this year.  I'm excited.  I'll be working in a different school and with a different grade level than usual - so, it is kind of a break.  Kind of....

I also linked up with 4th Grade Frolics for:

I just have 1 Made It.  Here is my newest product.
Click here
Although I am enjoying the summer, soon it will all be just a memory - hence the title Summer Memories.  This will be a great back to school writing activity the first week of school. I have included 3 designs in two different formats (1 flap and 3 flaps).  Great for differentiation!

And guess what?! It's a 4th of July freebie!  Visit my Teachers Pay Teachers store and download it today before it too is a summer memory  :) 

Friday, April 22, 2016

Favorite Classroom Games

'Tis the season for testing....
   Are you in the midst of testing too?  Third grade is such a transition year!  Students are no longer considered early childhood.  Often we are called "upper elementary" or "intermediate".  Students are reading to learn instead of leaning to read (ideally).  Third grade also usually marks the beginning of high stakes testing.
    Testing Season is a great time to review skills with classroom games.  The games get students up and moving.  They have fun and you can get in some review.  It's a win-win situation.
   I'm linking up with Teaching Trio to share a few of my favorite classroom games.

  I have a thing for task cards, I'm not gonna lie!  I love using task card for Scoot.  If you're not familiar, to play, you place one task card on each student's desk.  You can use a task card recording sheet for students to write down their answers.  You could also hang the cards around the room for more movement.  Either way, students travel, or scoot, around the desks/room to complete the task cards.  Depending on the type of task cards, I sometimes time the students (give a certain amount of time for each task card).  Each time I ring my bell, students move to the next desk/location.  My students love it!  Sometimes it can get kinda loud, but I turn that into a game too - Silent Scoot!

   For Around the World, you just need flashcards.  Multiplication, subtraction, telling time.....  whatever you want to review.  To play, pick 1 student to start.  The rest of the students/class are sitting at their desks.  Student 1 picks one student to stand beside.  You (the teacher) hold up one of the flashcards.  Only Student 1 and the person that they are standing beside may speak.  If Student 1 says the correct answer first, he/she moves to the next student and the process starts again.  If the sitting student says the answer first, Student 1 sits in that student's chair and the student that was sitting stands up and moves to the next sitting student.  Then proceed as stated above.  Sometimes both students answer at the same time.   I usually call it a "tie" and hold up another card for them to answer.  The goal is for students to go "around the world" (around the classroom) and get back to where he or she first started.  If they do, they are the winner - they've gone "Around the World".  This game is also a great filler activity.  It's no prep, easy to play, and can be played at any time.  

3.   BINGO
    Who doesn't love BINGO?  It's an oldie but goodie.  Plus, you can find BINGO games on just about any topic.  Students love it.  I like to throw in a small treat for the winner(s), like a piece of candy, a pencil, or a Lunch with the Teacher pass.

What are some games you enjoy playing with your students?  Link up and join the fun!

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Sunday Scoop

Wow!  It's been over a month since my last post.  Have things been hectic for you too?  Where does the time go?  Well, it's time to give you the Sunday Scoop!

Have To:
1.  Grading!  The quarter is almost over and it's time to get ready to do report cards.
2.  Getting observed.  'Nough said.
3.  Grocery store:  Headed there now.

Hope To;
1.  I need to finish washing and folding clothes.  Always.
2.  Planning:  I want to plan for after Spring Break so I don't have to worry about it and so that I can actually enjoy my Break.

Happy To;
1.  Be on Spring Break!  This is a short week.  Woo hoo!

Head on over to The Teaching Trio to see what others have planned for the week!

Saturday, February 6, 2016

My Favorite Things 2/6/16

Hello Everyone!  I am linking up with Teaching Trio for their My Favorite Things Linky.

Since school was closed for 6 days due to Winter Storm Jonas, I had a lot of time on my hands.  Besides eating WAY too many snacks, I got a chance to watch alot of my favorite TV shows.  So today, I've decided to share some of my favorites!

1.  Pit Bulls and Parolees (Animal Planet)
I've always loved dogs, even though I only recently got one (American Bull Dog).   I LOVE this show and how dedicated Tia and her family/staff are.  Many of the stories are so heartwarming! Sadly some of them are also heartbreaking, but they make me proud that I adopted/rescued my dog from a shelter.

2.  The First 48  (A & E)
I have to warn you.  This show is ADDICTING!  The show follows police detectives once they are called to a crime scene.  Their chance for solving a crime is cut in half if they don't get a lead within the first 48 hours.  Hence, the name of the show.  Once I start watching an episode, I can't look away! It's like I just have to see if the police are able to solve the crime and I need to see what happens to the criminal(s). Often A & E runs several episodes back to back, and then I am really in trouble! Even if I've only seen like the first 2 minutes of the episode, I have to watch the whole thing.  Seriously. Addicting.

3.   Hell's Kitchen  (Fox)
I love watching cooking shows.  Actual cooking?  Not as much  :)    By far, one of my favorite cooking shows is Hell's Kitchen.  Chef Gordon Ramsey - enough said.

How about you?  What are some of YOUR favorite things?  Link up below!

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Show and Tell Tuesday 1/26/16

Sorry I'm a little late to the party!  I am so happy to be joining Forever in Fifth Grade for her first ever Show and Tell Tuesday.  Click on the photo below to go to her blog to find out more.

I just have one Show and Tell for this first go 'round.

This is our backyard (and our American Bulldog) after Winter Storm Jonas.  He had a great time trying to catch snowballs and playing in the snow.  Me?  Not so much.  I HAVE, however, been enjoying our snow days (day 4 and counting).  I've been on an ice cream and Netflix binge.  Anyone else?  And does checking out fabulous blogs and Pinterest count as planning?  (Yes, yes, I think it does.)

Whenever I DO get back to school, we will be starting fractions on a number line.  Check out this blog post from The Applicious Teacher for some great ideas (and a freebie).

Wish me luck digging out of the snow!

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Sunday Scoop 1/17/16

I'm linking up with the Teaching Trio for....

I can't believe that we are halfway through January already!  Can you?  Here's what's going on with my week.

Have to:
   Dentist - 'nough said
   Vet - About a month ago we adopted a dog from a shelter.  We're LOVING him!  Sadly, we are not loving the ear infection he has not been able to get rid of.  Going to the vet tomorrow.  Hopefully he will get the "all clear" on the ears.
   Lesson Planning - Luckily it's a short week, but I still have planning (and grading) to do.

Hope to:
  I hope to get my nails done.  It's been a minute and I'm long overdue.
  I'd love to catch up shows that I've DVR'd lately.  Biggest Loser, My Diet is Better Than Yours...  Trying to get some New Year inspiration to get my eating back on track.

Happy to:
  I'm happy to enjoy Monday off!  Even though I'll be going to the vet and the dentist I'm glad I didn't have to take a day off to do it.

Hope you have a great week!!
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